Isnt the Dropbox Public folder going away or is already removed for new users ? I think they stated that in the Annoucement of their new "Share a link" feature.
If you are a longtime dropbox user you will keep it though. is what you're thinking of, so yes. It's unfortunate though. With the Public folder, you can right click on any file and get a "Copy link to file" button. With the new sharing stuff, it opens up a page in the web browser where you click a button to copy a link to the file, and that link takes you to the file inside a dropbox page instead of a nice direct link. It's pretty horrific.
Actually, there seems to be a way to opt in to a Public folder: (search for "Creating a Public folder" on that page).
I haven't tried it yet, but that seems easy enough!
This is cool also from the standpoint of a nice example of using Python to do a Mac menubar app. I've got an idea for something I'd like to do and I've been looking for an easy to follow example like this for a while now. Thanks!
I don't like having an app constantly running for this, or for it to intercept all my screenshots.
That is why I use a hacked version of Gyazo ( I modified the script so that moves the file to dropbox instead of their monstrosity of a share page.
Gyazo is the best because you launch the app, are presented with a standard screenshot UI, and then the app closes and your URL is copied and opened in a browser.
"when you do, it moves that file to the Dropbox public directory and copies the URL to the file into your clipboard automatically"
Sold. Given the amount of prototyping I do on my workstation requiring constant review of previous revisions for collaboration, this is something that lets me get a link sent and stays as far out of the way of my workflow as possible-and it supports an application my team already uses? Yep. Sold.
I might fork this so I can add the option to define which directory in /Public, since I'm OCD like that (having stray files kills me). Thanks for this!
I use Jing to do just this. It works on Windows and Mac and next to Screenshots also allows to capture up to 5 Minutes of Screencast at a time. Then I have the save location set to the Public Dropbox folder and the link is automatically put into my clipboard.
A year ago I hacked together an almost trivial Folder Action Script that does the same thing, and works really well. In case anyone's interested, here it is:
I actually just bought Captured on the appstore for this specific purpose. Wish I hadn't now, since imgur uploading (part of why I bought it) appears to be broken. This works wonderfully. I miss the old Skitch, but this helps me heal.
It doesn't work at all for me. It just flashes the colorful lights for a minute, doesn't make the upload sound, and doesn't actually upload my screenshots. I tried emailing the author, but he hasn't responded. There doesn't seem to be any other way to get help. :\
"I found TinyGrab, which works with OS X's screenshot function. I can even upload the files to my own server, but only using unencrypted FTP, which is scarily insecure."
> Evernote made it hard to share the URL to the image itself, rather than a webpage showing the image on it. This may help their revenue, but unnecessarily hampers the recipients' ability to use the images I share with them.
That said, UpShot is not trying to compete with all the services out there that also do something useful. I just wrote my own to scratch a particular itch of mine. I hope it's useful to others also.
If you're not bugged by the interstitial HTML document standing between you and your screenshot, good for you! :)
If you are a longtime dropbox user you will keep it though.