For those interested in this they might also check out underscores theme by Automattic[1].
Bones is an okay starter but if feels like a more thrown together bundling of the latest and greatest of the web development trends (320andup, sass/less, html5boilerplate) than a functional starter theme. But at least it follows the wordpress coding guidelines unlike roots[2].
Question for those who understand open source licenses can this theme even be licensed under the WTFPL considering that it uses wordpress provided functions like (get_header and wp_enqueue_styles)?
We used the Bones template as our starting point for It served as a great barebones theme to customize off of. As previously mentioned, the documentation throughout all of the files is awesome - very helpful for first time Wordpress work.
We actually replaced the 320grid and other styles with Bootstrap because of familiarity with the framework.
Very impressive and well-documented. I wonder if this could be the Bootstrap of the WP world (although much more lightweight and not actually a framework). Did I mention the well-documented CSS.
Bones is an okay starter but if feels like a more thrown together bundling of the latest and greatest of the web development trends (320andup, sass/less, html5boilerplate) than a functional starter theme. But at least it follows the wordpress coding guidelines unlike roots[2].
Question for those who understand open source licenses can this theme even be licensed under the WTFPL considering that it uses wordpress provided functions like (get_header and wp_enqueue_styles)?
[1]: or