Ethan Perlstein, as Princeton research fellow is crowdfunding his research on amphetamines. So far, he's raised raised $18,246 from 258 donors, and needs $6,754 to complete the fundraising.
This is one of the first hard science crowdfunding campaigns I've seen, and I believe if successful, can be a testament to the power of crowdfunding to support scientific research in the future.
The researcher has promised to provide regular updates on his research in an open-notebook fashion, and the preliminary metrics of the crowdfunding campaign may represent the diligence with which he is already assessing his efforts.
This is one of the first hard science crowdfunding campaigns I've seen, and I believe if successful, can be a testament to the power of crowdfunding to support scientific research in the future.
The researcher has promised to provide regular updates on his research in an open-notebook fashion, and the preliminary metrics of the crowdfunding campaign may represent the diligence with which he is already assessing his efforts.
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