>Opera would be great if it handled nonstandard html gracefully for me instead of telling me about its high horse and the shoddiness of the websites I use. //
I find it hard to see how you think this is Opera's fault. MS send their browser different, non-standards compliant, content that includes 2M of null characters. Yes Opera can modify to correct their handling of MS's disastrous abuse of the web but you can't exactly blame Opera.
>if Opera is just now debugging their interaction with Skydrive //
I'm sure MS won't amend it in any non-standards compliant way without notifying the other major browser makers and giving them a suitable implementation period; they'll surely keep all interactions well documented too. /s
I find it hard to see how you think this is Opera's fault. MS send their browser different, non-standards compliant, content that includes 2M of null characters. Yes Opera can modify to correct their handling of MS's disastrous abuse of the web but you can't exactly blame Opera.
>if Opera is just now debugging their interaction with Skydrive //
I'm sure MS won't amend it in any non-standards compliant way without notifying the other major browser makers and giving them a suitable implementation period; they'll surely keep all interactions well documented too. /s