* Links are backwards (text,link instead of link,text like HTML anchors)
* Link syntax is pretty arbitrary (why braces and brackets?)
* Single line breaks are swallowed unless you append two spaces to the line. (How is this a "natural" formatting?)
* Footnotes with asterisks turn into bullet lists
Most or all of these are resolved by various implementations, but that's just another reason to hate Markdown: the inconsistencies between implementations.
* Links with parentheses often break
* Intra-word underscores have to be escaped
* Links are backwards (text,link instead of link,text like HTML anchors)
* Link syntax is pretty arbitrary (why braces and brackets?)
* Single line breaks are swallowed unless you append two spaces to the line. (How is this a "natural" formatting?)
* Footnotes with asterisks turn into bullet lists
Most or all of these are resolved by various implementations, but that's just another reason to hate Markdown: the inconsistencies between implementations.