Is it insane to try and keep the good stuff from disappearing under the garbage? Have you ever searched for something, only to come across a multitude of pages that were just incomplete, wrong or otherwise useless? A search term for which the gems are buried under so much manure you need all your Google-fu to find the gem? How do you think this will play out in the years to come?
People like Gruber, with an audience, a following, should set an example. If his code has bugs and he is informed of those bugs, he should take a few minutes to list those bugs. He doesn't have to solve them. He doesn't even have to point people elsewhere. Just listing them is enough and saves a lot of people a lot of time. If you can't be bothered to do that, please take your code down: it is nothing but pollution, keeping us from finding the better code.
No you don't, that's insane.