I think we have too many wars going on right now: The war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on teenage pregnancy, the war on illiteracy. Plus the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And they all seem to have Czar's, you know? But the thing about wars is that they're black & white. Us against them. Good vs. bad. And aging just isn't like that. I mean it's cool having a war to go after Osama Bin Laden. I think most of us can get behind that one. But I don't think that most of us can get all motivated and suited up to fight, claw, struggle and sacrifice so that baby boomers can have a few more years in charge. So Sylvester Stallone can make Rambo 18. So tenured professors can keep their jobs forever. Or so that a bunch of dirty hippies can sit around in their nanotechnology enhanced 150 year old bodies telling kids about how awesome the 60's were and how lucky those kids are to have all that debt.