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Google Fiber to host Compute Midwest’s hackathon (thenextweb.com)
48 points by shakes on Oct 9, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Interesting. I wish I could afford it, especially since KC is my hometown, but as I'm a poor college student, even the student price is a bit much for me to spend. Maybe next year!

Maybe I'm just not being imaginative enough... but will a gigabit internet connection really make this hackathon that much different than any other? Is bandwidth normally a productivity bottleneck at most hackathons?

Sounds fun! I'll be there for sure.

Free stuff! All you have to do is give them your source code, lol!


The site you link to says:

We’re just running a competition here…..so what you do with your source once the competition is over is on you. We encourage participants to open source the codebase of their applications for the benefit of the community. However, if you choose not to open source your application, well, that’s you decision.

Please note that the competition organizers will have access to your code base throughout the competition, in order to make sure that no cheating occurs (as outlined previously).

We won’t steal anything from you, promise! However, we do reserve the right to use your application’s likeness as a promotion for this or future contest.

I'm representing Twilio (my employer) at the Compute Midwest Hackathon and the stated policy is that you own your own stuff.

That said, I personally will not get involved in any hackathon doing an IP grab. In fact, I'm fighting against one called 3 Day Startup (3DS). You can read about that here: http://whatis3daystartup.com/whats-the-goal/

TLDR: 3 Day Startup is basically a Startup Weekend focused on students but anyone that participates signs over everything developed to 3 Day Startup.. later, the participants can license it back if 3DS approves.

Wow, that 3DS thing is completely f'ed up. :/

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