I am a (relatively new) self-taught developer. I’m looking for an internship/junior programming position in Los Angeles or San Francisco area. If anyone has or knows of such a position I would love to meet/chat. I currently live in Los Angeles, but I’ll be in San Francisco for Startup School (weekend of October 19th) .
I’m fairly proficient in Python, Javascript, HTML, & CSS. I learn quickly, I‘m a hard worker and more importantly a good person.
Something I’ve built that I’m proud of is Nava.io/news .
It aggregates your twitter feed links and ranks them. It is built on top of Flask, SQALchemy, Postrgress and Heroku. You can check out the code at github.com/fnava621/Nava-
You can see some more of my code at github.com/fnava621 .
Also, feel free to email me (fnava621@gmail.com) if you’ll be at startup school, I would love to meet up.