All depends on the quality of the gifts. If they're chintzy, good luck. But if it's quality stuff, cool. It's got to be of a higher level than Zynga was for apps.
Facebook would be served best by controlling gift quality with an iron fist. I'm a little skeptical they'll do that, but maybe.
This is very cool, though "Friends ... can swap for a different size, flavor or style before the gift ships."
Example: when my distant friends announce that they are expecting a baby I usually have to contact them to get mailing info so I can send them one of my favorite children's books. If Facebook can make this happen in just a few clicks, then I'll gladly use their service.
As a selected vendor, I must say they do seem focused on quality. I'm clearly biased but the impression I got from the buyer is they're being very picky.
Another thing that will be tricky is separating signal and noise. If I'm buying a birthday gift for my punk rock friend, they shouldn't bother showing me cupcakes and chocolate boxes. Seems like a no-brainer to show me gift options based on his likes.
Facebook would be served best by controlling gift quality with an iron fist. I'm a little skeptical they'll do that, but maybe.
This is very cool, though "Friends ... can swap for a different size, flavor or style before the gift ships."
Still. Quality. Quality. Quality.