Given that it has no template language and (seemingly) no database mapper, much less support for caching, user account, etc., I'm confident that it's not in the same space as Django or RoR. For example, how do I get it to talk with a Postgres database, and do LDAP authentication?
My knowledge of this comes from the linked-to tutorial: "Web.go doesn't include a templating library. However, there are several good ones available, such as mustache.go. The template package in Go is not recommended for web.go because it doesn't allow templates to be embedded within each other, which causes a lot of duplicated text."
It seems that the web.go authors thinks that Go's template language batteries are of the wrong size.
To be honest, I'm not looking. I'm only commenting that the original statement - that webgo is something like RoR - is incorrect. Thanks for the confirmation.
A very comprehensive list of the organizations using Go; I think it's kept reasonably up to date, but new ones are popping up on the mailing list from time to time.
For example, not to long ago we had the maintainer of asking some questions as he was rewriting some of the infrastructure for the pool from Perl to Go.