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Got any sample output? I'd love to compare notes on the HTML your tool creates.

I'm interested in this type of app, as I've built a design prototyping tool called Edit Room, that also creates production-ready HTML and CSS from visual design tools. http://www.edit-room.com/

Good luck!

Here's some 100% unmodified output from a page I threw together in about a minute just to post here:


Here's the same output in CSSDeck for a more convenient preview:


Aside from some empty class attributes and extra div wrappers, the markup is really close to what I'd write by hand. Great work with the export!

EDIT: Oh, sorry - this isn't the same output as mbleigh posted. Mine is the tutorial page from Divshot when you first log in.

Those empty classes are a known bug, they'll disappear soon enough!

This is great cause it doesn't seem like it covers everything in div tags. Looks very clean and readable if you need to edit it by hand.

That's some serious divitus going on with the nav. 5 nested divs for top navigation? No HTML5 elements?

We're following the exact docs for Twitter Bootstrap with regards to HTML output, and yeah it can sometimes get a little div-heavy. We will be supporting other UI frameworks as well as emphasizing semantic HTML as much as possible as we grow beyond Bootstrap.

Bootstrap creator here.

* .navbar is for positioning/sizing.

* .navbar-inner is required for the gradient because `overflow: visible;` is not respected by IE when `filter` is present.

* .container is for centering the content within the navbar

No idea what .navbar-content is—that's not part of the Bootstrap navbar component. We also use a `ul.nav`, not `div.nav`.

So, close to the core, but not 100%.

Hey Mark, you're right on every count. The div.nav is a mistake that I thought I had fixed already, as for the rest let's just say it'll be fixed post-haste.

Obviously we're HUGE fans of Bootstrap over at Divshot :)

This is why HN is great. Someone (me) posts some constructive criticism, albeit snarky, and within a short time the project founder is getting feedback from Mark Dotto.

I should have also said I think Divshot is pretty cool, even if I didn't like how many nested divs I saw.

No worries, and we appreciate you being fans :). Just wanted to let you know, and I figured you're attention would be here anyway.

A bit unrelated, but I wanted to thank Mark and @fat, I think the president of the United States and the governor of the Universe should personally award them for creating so many jobs throughout the world. Bootstrap created lots of opportunities for people, startups, established companies and everyone in between. I really appreciate the work of @markdotto and @fat making Bootstrap. You guys rock!

Wow that's some of the nicest generated code I've seen. This could be a very useful tool.

Looks clean. Nice.

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