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Keeping bombs out of the cargo bay is one of the things we seem to do very well, and has little to do with all the screenings we instituted since 9/11.

How many planes have been bombed by someone sneaking something into the wheel well?

None, yet.

I can't imagine it would be too hard to place a bomb in the wheel well of a plane parked in Nairobi, for example. The biggest issue would be avoiding the pilot's pre-flight check.

That wouldn't be to hard to do if you are a member of a ground crew that has access to the aircraft after the pilot is on board.

BTW, we keep bombs out of the cargo area well because there was a time we didn't do this well at all. Then this happened: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182 along with this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Am_Flight_103

How many planes have been bombed full stop? As an attacker, why would you ever try to bomb a plane? Unlike a hostage-taking/hijacking where there are obvious advantages to being in a plane, if you just want to plant a bomb and kill some people you can do that much more easily in a building, or on a train, or...

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