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Well I personally don't find the experience terribly broken, or broken at all. I don't see why anything on that page even has to perfectly line up. I mean on Pinterest you don't expect everything to perfectly line up when infinite scrolling, and you don't really lose any information if the image doesn't line up on this page.

However, I can see how it can really annoy some obsessive type personalities (who consider it horribly broken if the page doesn't line up perfectly)... no offense. It might be painful, but that pain's probably not due to you being able to get info from the page.

I've also disabled inertial scrolling. I can see how that would make it impossible to line up the page, but the page has clearly been designed to be used even if the images and elements aren't perfectly in place.

In my opinion, inertial scrolling on a desktop computer is the actual useless embellishment here. It makes sense on a small screened mobile device because there is no scroll bar, and because normal desktop-sized web pages will end up super long on a small screen. But on a desktop few pages will be large and long enough to require you to do a flick to go down.

> I don't see why anything on that page even has to perfectly line up.

The timeline page is basically unusable unless it lines up really well. Additionally it took me 4-5 times through to realize the years on that page were click actions (except 2013 which looks identical to the others???). Partially because of the annoyance of lining stuff up took me out of the mindset of 'what should i click on' and partially due to the inversion of focus. Generally actions the user can make should be clearly defined and stand out. In this case the current year stands out and the other years are very muted. In most interaction cases the elements that are muted are 'inactive'.

While you can read the content on the other pages with them out of alignment, the stiff breaks in the image background are very distracting.

All I can say to get to the real point is that if I hadn't grown up riding that mountain 30+ days a winter I never would have stuck around long enough to glean anything useful about it.

For what its worth the general feedback I've heard from other Sugarloafers indicates its not just me or my personality type that hates this site, it's a wide range of folks whose response has been "yuck".

For me, I not only have to go back and forth to get a full page, as using the scrollwheel the bar in the Timeline is always covering up some text. And I don't use inertial scrolling, but I don't see why should you have to disable it either.

It's time-wasting, annoying and useless.

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