The scary part wasn't necessary to experience something wonderful.
I am producing electronic music myself. These days, where the internet is mainstream I don't dare posting anything online.
About 9 years ago, things were different. I was a 15 year old kid and enjoyed producing trance music. My setup was extremely primitive and my music in a way, too.
But I managed to make those tracks sound quite euphoric.
Then (that's how I actually learnt HTML & CSS) I set up my own webpage and put that stuff out there.
(later, that project turne into a little net-lable where 4 people were posting their music for free and we started doing remixes for one another)
To my surprise, quite some people were downloading my songs. Some even burnt them onto CDs and listened to them in their cars. (Back then, internet-browsing and recordable discs weren't exactly cheap. So in a way, they were paying for my music!)
The "highlight" was when a DJ from a big Ukrainian radio station played the tracks in his show & on one of his gigs. Some of the listeners posted positive feedback on that station's website.
Perhaps, programming turned me a little paranoid, but today I am quite scared of what could potentially be done with every bit of information you put online. It is true that wonderful things can happen, but (unknown) dangers aren't to be underestimated.
Wise words, indeed.