Later that day (6 hours to be exact) call them and let them know that your refrences came back great, but that there was a meeting that day and they decided that they're no longer hiring for that position.
I know someone who was told mid-way through an interview, "I just talked with the CTO and he said we're not hiring until the end of the year."
His interviewer sheepishly apologized, and said on the way out, "maybe we'll get to see you in January" -- so who knows, maybe it wasn't total BS (or just dorky way of attempting to put a good spin on a piece of bad news for the candidate). But still, it boggles the mind that companies keep pulling stunts like this.
I know someone who was told mid-way through an interview, "I just talked with the CTO and he said we're not hiring until the end of the year."
His interviewer sheepishly apologized, and said on the way out, "maybe we'll get to see you in January" -- so who knows, maybe it wasn't total BS (or just dorky way of attempting to put a good spin on a piece of bad news for the candidate). But still, it boggles the mind that companies keep pulling stunts like this.