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Distraction Free Writing with Vim (laktek.com)
50 points by laktek on Sept 5, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Another interesting solution: http://paulrouget.com/e/vimdarkroom/

I don't get the point of centering it. Why not just open a second VIM window to use the space up?

It's meant to reduce distractions, and focus only on a single text column :)

I am a darkroom fanatic, ever since VT320, can't work otherwise. Emacs darkroom mode on Windows was a PITA to setup correctly. Since I switched to Sublime I'm almost fully satisfied. I'm glad to see vim gets darkroom love too, but this apparently works on OSX only.

Nice idea. I'm tending to use Vim with a vertically split screen, notes on the right and the draft to be edited on the left. To bash in the first draft, I tend to use PyRoom (Ubuntu Linux).

The title should be "Distraction Free Writing with MacVim"

For the fullscreen part, the rest is pretty universal (theme, settings). Granted, gvim in Windows makes it a bit hard to get proper fullscreen, but there are workarounds[1]. If you're running it in a shell, most of them should have fullscreen options if the window manager/OS doesn't offer that anyway. And well, setting lines/columns might resize the window again...

But alas, the very meekest cannot be at peace, if his ill neighbour will not let him rest.

1: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/shell

Exactly, I'm trying to convert it to linux, I'll update once I finish struggling to get the columns right ( getting that colunm feel ).

Have a look at Mike West's http://projects.mikewest.org/vimroom/

Please do. I'm fighting with the columns too, can't get it right

Problem is, I think that in vim, the set columns only dictates the limit to the right, and we want the left side too, or else we get a left-sided column vim.

I think the solution would be to open two vertical panels, at the sides, to shorten the middle. Not the best solution though :S.

If you want to expand the left margin, try setting the `numberwidth` property. You may also need to change the color of number column (` LineNr`) to match the background.

Thank you, this was the best I could do atm.


UPDATE: Off's link looks a lot better than my gist, I'm gonna give it a try.

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