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Oh, wow - I don't like this at all. Requiring me to have my phone on me to log in? Making me select my name from a list to log in? Then prompting me with a new form? These solutions seem awful and unintuitive to me.

Even worse, how am I going to explain this login system to my parents, or even my non-technical friends?

It's like OpenID login a while back. "Enter a URL to log in" was wasn't quite as easy to understand as developers thought.

This needs to be baked-in to the browser. Unfortunately, because we have loads of different browser vendors, I don't think we'll ever see a decent solution.

Better in that it requires me to use Mozilla/Firefox? I think not.

It does not require Firefox. I just built it into an app as an alternative to Facebook logins and it works just fine from any browser out there.

OK, so they've changed BrowserID to Mozilla Persona. How reassuring, I don't recall being notified of such a change.

They all agree on HTTP...

We'll get one in time; it just won't be as quick as we would like.

Mike Hanson's article, "LIFDing the web" [0] outlines a really interesting way to prototype and introduce new browser features. Highly recommended.

[0]: http://www.open-mike.org/entry/lifding-the-web

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