You are kidding right? I said better camera, not better sensor or picture quality. What makes a better camera often is more features or a better interface for taking pictures, post processing them or sharing/archiving/distributing them.
How many point and shoot camera's can upload pictures to any existing/future social media websites? How many point and shoot camera's can run Photoshop? How many can archive to any cloud storage median immediately after taking the picture?
Many apps will follow this camera. There are already many Android camera apps that are far better than the stock Android 4.1 camera. They have a far better than the interface of any point and shoot camera. There are also already many Android photo manipulation apps that are better than any built into ANY other camera in any price range.
Down-voters are likely jealous Apple fanboys.
And your comment is quite short sighted jarek. If you think that a superior lens and sensor is all it takes to make a "better" camera you should stick to old school "film" cameras.