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Thanks for responding to my, as noted by others, rather "rude" critique. I think you guys are building something distinctive from the surveys on AmazonTurk, SocialSci, because your recruitment poll is not chosen. Turkers went to amazon with the idea to properly do survey, your survey might took the user by surprise.

A few suggestions: 1. Hire someone with experience on experimental psychology, I mean, by trade. Not necessarily a PhD but at least with some experience and has knowledge of the textbook experiment errors. Just one of those would help the design a long way. 2. Throw in some free analytics tools/result for the organization behind the survey. As you mentioned, restaurant owners and politicians might just want to run the survey for some straightforward result, well, not all surveys have straightforward result, even when designed well. Some analytics/visualization tool, e.g., manyeyes from IBM, doesn't really take a lot of dev time but would be quite impressive in the eyes of your customers (i.e., the politicians or restaurant owners).

Best of luck, Alex

Thanks again, Alex. I appreciate the comments and great ideas.

We do plan to add polling and survey design experts to our team (I have stats but not polling background). And an analytics platform is coming.

What do you mean by our survey "might take the user by surprise"? Do you mean that it might be surprising to the user to have a survey launch when clicking one of our links? We're testing different "teaser" text for the links. And hopefully we can make it clear that a survey will be coming when you click.

If you're willing to run a test survey, fill out the contact us form on our site, and we'll give you a discount code. Appreciate the feedback.

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