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You're reading in what's not there. Yes, I noted that Google have countermeasures to address sites being more highly ranked than they should be because, whilst they have a lot of inbound links, the inbound links are of low quality (from low trust domains).

But none of that presupposes any knowledge of "spam sites", nor of the particular instances you note of spam sites with lots of inbound links (ie the claimed far more than wikipedia [per IP address]).

But it seems you don't have any examples so I'm not sure why you're persisting. Even if I did know about specific spam sites with lots of incoming links I don't see the relevance of my knowing that to you answering the question of if you can give any examples of sites with your claimed characteristics. The points are orthogonal. Your pre-knowledge of such sites is not in any way bound by my knowledge of such sites.

I daren't ask if you can answer the question again. But just suppose you could then a response would still be of interest.

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