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"This is just wrong. Japan is importing natural gas at prices x2-x5 higher than before. Causing... ".

Correlation, causation... You might want to take into account that there are many other economic factors which influence that, such as the ongoing global banking crisis, and Japan's debt ratio of 220 percent of gross domestic product, according to the International Monetary Fund, by far the largest ratio of any Group of Seven country.


This is not a result of gas imports. I can only assume that you are not familiar with Japan's economic problems before Fukushima if you think they are.

Your personal car analogy is cute, but not very relevant.

Japans debt is largely domestic (Japan Post / JGB) thus has little influence on the trade balance.

Banking crisis has been going on since 2008 thus why didnt the trade balance suddenly fall this year instead of 2008/2009/2010

What is your explanation for the sudden change in trade balance?

Could it be that you just replaced your Toyota to a expensive but nice BMW?

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