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I read your links. I know the audio is almost an hour, so I don't expect you to have listened before you posted.

According to Mr. Corbett, who lives in Japan, the predicted shortages did not in fact materialize this summer, and in fact, a SURPLUS of power was reported. He doesn't assert that without the 50 plants currently offline there will be no power shortfall. Most of the report is about alternatives such as solar, geothermal, thorium, and wave power.

The point is that Japan has gone over a year now with almost NO nuclear power, and the sky has not fallen. There are alternatives. There are also large corporate/governmental interests who PREFER the present nuclear policy, and that policy is now opposed by a large number of the Japanese people.

Did you personally suffer any consequences? Are you perhaps suspicious of TEPCO, or the WSJ's motives?

Left out of that story are all the sacrifices people had to make to conserve power. That said, Thorium is a promising power source. Just don't tell anyone that it's nuclear power.

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