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I have two issues with your comment,

1. The paper you link to does not discus ingestion. Ever. It clearly described to the dosimetric estimates of gamma and neutron, but no information on metabolic pathways.

2. If there really was a scientific consensus that NO radioactive material was safe, why does the EPA allow it in drinking water(http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/radon/upload/ep...)? And the FDA is quite happy to allow us to eat bananas when they are a veritable feast of radioactivity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_equivalent_dose).

I hate to tell you sir, but you in fact do test this every day you breathe, drink and eat. There ARE in fact many natural sources of radioactivity, that we have been eating for quite some time, with never a though of cancer.

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