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I don't feel like firing up my IE VM to test it myself, but are you certain that character is browser safe? I've run into a lot of issues with unicode glyphs not working on vanilla IE8 machines that didn't ship with fonts containing them.

According to browsershots (not affiliated), it works fine on IE6-10.

Does anyone on HN use IE6/7/8? I’d guess that this is a more web savvy place than that.

Individual web savviness doesn't always come into it. There are those here who work within environments that mandate less than cutting edge browsers.

Chrome doesn’t need admin rights to install for what it’s worth. Although I have to say that if I was working for a company that mandated IE8 or lower as the solitary browser I’d be planning my exit. Maybe I’m just spoiled by working for a web agency.

Working in IE8 here.

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