You: "Luckily, I left after my 2nd year and only walked away with $50k in student loans."
Me: "Why did two years cost $50k but four years costs $175k? (2/4 != 50/175)"
You: "No one really pays sticker price for college. I had some grants, financial aid, and (like someone else mentioned), the co-op program helped pay for some of my tuition."
Me: "If nobody pays sticker price for college why did you use the sticker price when discussing how much debt you chose not to accept?"
Me: "Why did two years cost $50k but four years costs $175k? (2/4 != 50/175)"
You: "No one really pays sticker price for college. I had some grants, financial aid, and (like someone else mentioned), the co-op program helped pay for some of my tuition."
Me: "If nobody pays sticker price for college why did you use the sticker price when discussing how much debt you chose not to accept?"