ideally mise could be replaced entirely by uv or at least just be a thin wrapper around uv (in some ways that's already the case), but given this article requires the use of the custom uv-python-symlink utility it seems uv isn't quite there yet
the reality that I'm sure you've heard me say many times is that I'm just not a python dev and astral is likely always going to build a better solution around python than I ever could. They've just focused a lot more on the package manager side of things than the runtime/venv management side so far but I suspect that will change—and given astral's velocity I doubt we'll be waiting long
and btw mise's venv support isn't going anywhere probably ever, but I do hope that at some point we could either let uv do the heavy lifting internally or point users to uv as a better solution
Forgot about that! Yes, another significant benefit of why we use mise.
In particular, we use flask-vite and it's so nice to be able to have the right version of Node specified in the same management system as we specify the Python version. This solved a not insignificant amount of angst around FE development for me personally since I spend most of my time in the BE.
It's not like it was insurmountable before. But now, with mise, it's in that "just works" category for me.
100% agreed, it just takes a task that was a 10-15min setup depending on your environment and personal knowledge to a 2min thing. It just makes life easier and it puts the bar for starting lower, a win in my book =)
I also use mise with it, which is a great combination and gives you automatic venv activation among other things.
See, among other mise docs related to Python,
See also a Python project template I maintain built on mise + uv: