An unpopular pick that is probably more low level than Go but also still has a GC: D. Understandable why you wouldn't pick D though. Its ecosystem is extremely small.
I think you D fans need to dogfood a startup based around it.
It's a fascinating language, but it lacks a flagship product.
I feel the same way about Haxe. Someone created an amazing language, but it lacks a big enough community.
Realistically languages need 2 things for adoption. Momentum and ease of use. Rust has more momentum than ease, but arguably can solve problems higher level languages can't.
I'm half imagining a hackathon like format where teams are challenged to use niche languages. The foundations behind these languages can fund prizes.
Did my post come off as a fan? I directly criticized its ecosystem. It wouldn't be my first pick either. I was just making conversation that there are other options.
And AFAIK Symmetry Investments is that dogfood startup.