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We tell all people three Pieces of Information:

1. Your Gender

2. Your Age

3. Your location (City, State)

Thats all! Everything else is private.

My partner was told I live in NY, strangely. Also, consider changing the message posted to Facebook. This sounds... strange: "Jesse made a new 23 year old male friend on Hubchilla."

(or whatever it is you post, something to that effect)

So the example on your landing page where the user's school is disclosed is inaccurate?

Yes, that was a screenshot from an earlier version. As of right now, only age/gender/location are used, though we use your education history to train our model for smarter recommendations.

We are toying with the idea of putting back the school displaying feature back in if you encounter someone from the same school. It will depend on the data we gather.

"and both go to UC Berkeley", this is in the example conversation.

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