The only issue I have with the Pub of Twitter analogy is that the Pub also has 24/7 CCTV recording all conversations not whispered (DMs).
And if someone doesn't like you, they can - free of charge - go through years and years of that CCTV material to find something you said and take it out of context to use it against you.
Case in point: James Gunn. He was on Twitter in its infancy, before it was mainstream, and did some typically edgy humour for an indie horror director that was ok-ish at the time. Then a decade later some right-wing people didn't like him and they dug through his old stuff and blasted it out, resulting him from getting suspended/fired from Disney.
When I was on Twitter I had a 6 month auto delete running on all my tweets just because of that. Me 5 years ago isn't me of today and today me doesn't want to suffer from brain farts 5 years ago me had in public.
And if someone doesn't like you, they can - free of charge - go through years and years of that CCTV material to find something you said and take it out of context to use it against you.
Case in point: James Gunn. He was on Twitter in its infancy, before it was mainstream, and did some typically edgy humour for an indie horror director that was ok-ish at the time. Then a decade later some right-wing people didn't like him and they dug through his old stuff and blasted it out, resulting him from getting suspended/fired from Disney.
When I was on Twitter I had a 6 month auto delete running on all my tweets just because of that. Me 5 years ago isn't me of today and today me doesn't want to suffer from brain farts 5 years ago me had in public.