The leaflet icon is our little watermark (which can be disabled!). Just updated it to point to instead of just, it was just creating a new doc every time you clicked it.
Useful feedback on strikethrough! Will review our implementation of it.
As for dark mode, you can theme your documents, and use existing documents as templates for others, so you can get dark mode that way. We could do a lot to make it easier to share and get basic themes though.
The leaflet icon is our little watermark (which can be disabled!). Just updated it to point to instead of just, it was just creating a new doc every time you clicked it.
Useful feedback on strikethrough! Will review our implementation of it.
As for dark mode, you can theme your documents, and use existing documents as templates for others, so you can get dark mode that way. We could do a lot to make it easier to share and get basic themes though.