The torches and pitchforks that are soon to follow? You might get away with that in oppressive “some countries”, but I just can’t imagine it ending well in someplace like the UK.
I'd hope so, but you never know what you can get people to tolerate "for the children". This is, after all, the same UK population that voted these halfwits into power.
You're doing them a favour calling them halfwits, if most of the current crop of British politicians were light bulbs they wouldn't be bright enough the light the cupboard under my stairs.
You could just as well argue that changing direction or admitting you got things wrong requires more spine than blindly sticking to the same direction even in light of new information.
Whether that applies to Starmer is a matter of opinion I suppose
The torches and pitchforks that are soon to follow? You might get away with that in oppressive “some countries”, but I just can’t imagine it ending well in someplace like the UK.