Man, I wish the manager's ass was ever on the line. The amount of times I've seen a manager's whole team get laid off and the manager get moved to a different team to fuck everything up again is too many times.
I think I've seen a manager get laid off never. And often seen half their team laid off because they were terrible at their job, but the management class takes care of their own.
Yeah if I implemented my manager's ideas, I'd be the one fixing them too. No thanks - if I have to deal with the problems, I'll decide the solutions too.
In practice, many act as an intermediary who can take the credit for the wins while passing down blame for the misses.
It's not a good leadership trait but it's an effective career advancing move.
The entire list on the post reeks of aspirational intermediary that doesn't actually do any of those things as effectively as empowered project/team leads who do contribute to the product. It's fluff and very easy fluff to remove without feeling pain. Of course, mediocre teams will have mediocre developers who won't want responsabilty and will benefit from intermediary "bossy" managers.
Second: If their ass is on the line, then they DO get a bigger say. They are paid for seeing potential problems, guiding the team, among other things.