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Knockout is awsome. Check it out. You can grasp it over the afternoon and examples of advanced ui-s are interesting and concise.

And then you try to use it for more complicated cases, run into limitations and switch to backbone.

I take issue with this kind of generalisation. I don't think these problems are inherent to knockout, but I do think there is a lack of architectural guidance on building large apps with it.

That said, building a maintainable, extensible knockout app is the same as building any other object-oriented system. First, decompose your app into multiple view models (a single view model doesn't have to be bound to the entire page) with clearly defined responsibilities. Combine that with a good Pub/Sub system [1] and you're most of the way there.

That said, it would be nice to see some examples of large-scale knockout apps, as there doesn't seem to be much discussion out in the open in this area. A perfect candidate (in my mind) would be for Steve to release the source code for the knockout tutorial site since that is fairly complex.

[1] https://github.com/rniemeyer/knockout-postbox

I've done Backbone course in codechool.com It's very basic and targeted at beginners but in last lessons already I've seen how it becomes tangled and begins to fall apart.

I feel that Knockout provides you with much more structure that prevents you from making too much of a mess.

Custom bindings provide easy way to insane flexibility http://learn.knockoutjs.com/#/?tutorial=custombindings and the models don't look like hundredth attempt at just implementing CRUD. Also no re-rendering of html and no need for rebinding DOM events (vide http://ianstormtaylor.com/rendering-views-in-backbonejs-isnt... ).

Thus my noob preference.

knockout and backbone serve different goals:


For me, the dependency tracking and automatic ui refresh provided by knockout hits the sweet spot, functionality that isn't in the scope of what backbone provides.

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