Full disclosure I am one of the brother's of the guys involved in this project ! This to me now typifies Hacker News and this is very very sad. Hacker News of which I have been a member for a number of years has always been a great place to go where you get good actionable comments and discussion on topics. This thread however is typical of the 'new' Hacker News, a place where users want to snipe at other users and find negative aspects to things submitted. BusterKeaton has gone to the extent of creating a throwaway Hacker News profile to point out disparities in an interesting project that had no ulterior motive - just an idea that stemmed from a book that may also apply to a website. Why pick it apart to try to find something wrong with it ? Why then try to discredit one of the founders with threats about his current employer ? Hacker News was always a place where like minded people could gather to discuss and showcase interesting projects, often for people who are employed outside of these projects and who are trying to better their lives with interesting and thought provoking projects. Hacker News now unfortunately is a place where some of it's users are trying to discredit and prove a point. This is a very sad day and has forever tainted my view of Hacker News and reinforces my view that Hacker News is certainly not the place it once was and albeit there a lot of great users with interesting commentary and interesting projects to showcase there are a lot of individuals who want to prove a point, belittle others and generally snipe.