My work Macbook sometimes drops random characters from the lock screen password input. You hit a key and a black dot does not appear; the password is consequently rejected.
This happens to me if external monitors are connected. It was way worse last year when I literally had to wair for the monitor to "light up", and after a recent update the situation got better but it's still there if I type fast without "waiting" for the external monitors.
Same. When I boot my computer and reach the password prompt, whatever character I type first inputs two dots, I have to clear those two dots first and type the password again. It is very annoying.
I use a 6-digit PIN to unlock my iPhone. I get it right less than half the time. Often one or two numbers just fail to register. ISTR someone else confirmed this bug.
Wow I've run into this too! I made my own keyboard with custom firmware so I assumed it was from that, but it's been completely reliable outside of the password prompt.
It's not exactly this:
The system is not lagging at all.
It's not this:
It's a bit like this, but only for the system password dialog and nowhere else: