I'm German and I won't buy a Tesla anymore. Because only a*holes are capable to so what's happening over there. Actually, I won't buy anything made in US and sold here anymore. Bye bye US prime beef. I can't afford you anyway anymore :(
The reason is more that no one is buying anything anymore at the moment. It feels so insecure and it feels like corona is back. The ones that have been sold are sold for reasons we don't know. But we know everything is going hibernation.
> I won't buy anything made in US and sold here anymore.
Not to counter the argument, but just if I would consider doing the same.
What to do with laptops - Apple (silicon), Intel, AMD and Qualcomm are all US companies.
what??? What is wrong with you? ... You really believe this shit?
RF BrainScan - What is this sht??? You really think, its possible to use RF (electromagnetic waves) to scan/induce something into the brain??? WHO THE FCK IS TELLING SUCH SHIT?!?!?!?! the best science and medical companies are having hard time to get high resolution data of our brain using MRT, and you telling me one just needs antennas????
I'm really speachless.
child trafficking - LOL! They also eat their pets I tell you I saw it with my own eyes:)
Things only seem to be getting worse on the whole Musk PR front. These numbers will be from before the whole Zelensky Vance Trump meeting that didn't go very well. Musk seems to be going for the blame Zelensky for the war don't criticize Putin schtick which will probably not be great for sales.
Just a couple of hours ago: "Zelensky wants a forever war, because he loses his spotlight on the international stage as soon as peace is achieved." Compare that with "Just 4% of Americans support Russia in war with Ukraine" https://www.yahoo.com/news/just-4-americans-support-russia-0...
I’m honestly blown away Europe hasn’t hit Teslas with a massive tariff, maybe even recurring super premium registration charge on the more-expensive models. (Or suspend camera-only self driving.) Particularly Germany and the UK, where Musk has been meddling.
Tesla has always been about to die according to HN. When it does, I think it's going to be because the Chinese got better at cars than any Western company. But it being Sunday morning and some guy on HN celebrating the demise of an Elon Musk company that nonetheless continues to prosper for another year is about par for the course.
Non shareholders get so upset about something they don't even own. Up 40% in the last six months. Up 520% in the last five years. Relax. It's going to be okay.
The reason is more that no one is buying anything anymore at the moment. It feels so insecure and it feels like corona is back. The ones that have been sold are sold for reasons we don't know. But we know everything is going hibernation.