The author is assuming that everyone will proactively start taking this drug. But I don't understand why? If Jerry is not obese, why would Jerry randomly start taking an anti-obesity drug?
Even if they are right, do people want to voluntarily start taking drugs to control their impulses? Au contraire, I think a lot of people, either ideologically or subconciously, appreciate the hedonistic lifestyle
Well, the author did not reference any actual studies. But some people here have shared an effect on their general impulse control. Do you have any pointers to good studies about this effect?
The number one group of people who will never ever want a powerful appetite suppressant are body builders. Lifting weights isn't hard, eating 6 meals a day is and they don't need to make it ten times harder for no reason.
It's not silly at all. In 15-20 years this stuff will be <$100 for weeks of use. For many people $800 dollars is less than the they spend on food in the same time
That's a bit of a ridiculous assumption to make, given that there are plenty of medications that have cost pennies to make for decades and still retail for hundreds to thousands.
Perhaps in non-US locations it will be that cheap for sure.