> WASM could indeed make for a simple, yet powerful, web-like platform, and I hope to see this!
Careful what you wish for. WASM-rendered pages could spell the end of ad-blockers and other extensions that modify or read page content. You'll have only binary blobs being downloaded rendering something on a canvas surface.
That is in theory already possible today, also just with obfuscated js blobs.
But the way the ad networks work, is that they do dynamic content loading. So knowing where the ads are coming from and just blocking those lists will continue to work also in WASM.
But indeed, modifying the content specifically, when all you have is a canvas, will be close to impossible.
Careful what you wish for. WASM-rendered pages could spell the end of ad-blockers and other extensions that modify or read page content. You'll have only binary blobs being downloaded rendering something on a canvas surface.