> I challenge anyone to question the honesty and my technical integrity on this matter,” Malaska posted Wednesday. “I am working without biases for the safety of people that fly.”
Give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's not corrupt. Unconscious bias is a thing.
Where's the transparency? Why wasn't starlink involved in the first place and only after this government take over happened.
Buying his way into the FAA, baselessly criticizing Verizon as a safety risk, and now he's going to corruptly force the FAA to restart the bidding without following formal procedures. Of course with his own people on the inside now, the bidding process will obviously be rigged in his favor.
This is the type of thing that's going to wreck the nation. The reserve currency status of the USD relies on the perception that this type of wanton corruption doesn't happen here, that the US can be trusted as a country of laws. We're going to lose that status go from comfort to starvation in a shockingly short time.
Give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's not corrupt. Unconscious bias is a thing.
Where's the transparency? Why wasn't starlink involved in the first place and only after this government take over happened.