Use every sale period available to you and not as weekly sales. Make custom 14 day sales.
Add steam cards to the game asap. You should start doing this right after reading this comment really.
Also you should lobby steam for a daily deal sometime next month. If they say yes you should set that daily deal for the day the summer sale ends if you can.
Also you should push raw fury to do a publisher sale, those can really generate a lot of money.
I've been managing games on Steam for a long time and doing stuff like what I said will have a very large impact on your long tail revenue. I'm the game director of Kingmakers.
Also you should really have some kind of DLC asap, even if it is small or like an art book even. You are just leaving money on the table because there are gamers with lots of money on steam who just buy all the dlc when they buy games.
How will trading cards help the game? As a Steam user, they seem useless and badges, which they create, are also completely useless.
Unless to target sales to those who buy up all the cards to get really high profile levels.
Add steam cards to the game asap. You should start doing this right after reading this comment really.
Also you should lobby steam for a daily deal sometime next month. If they say yes you should set that daily deal for the day the summer sale ends if you can.
Also you should push raw fury to do a publisher sale, those can really generate a lot of money.
I've been managing games on Steam for a long time and doing stuff like what I said will have a very large impact on your long tail revenue. I'm the game director of Kingmakers.
Also you should really have some kind of DLC asap, even if it is small or like an art book even. You are just leaving money on the table because there are gamers with lots of money on steam who just buy all the dlc when they buy games.