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You’re a Growth Rookie, not a Growth Hacker (vlaskovits.com)
21 points by dmarinoc on July 30, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Anyone else think of someone brutally, brutally hacking away at some obscenely large tumor or mole when they read the words "growth hacker?" Sorry if you didn't until now.

Awesome visual. I just threw up.

A growth hacker is also not someone who is able to increase sales from 10% of 100,000 to 20% of 100,000. He's someone who was able to get those 100,000 potential customers in the door in the first place. Anyone can be analytical, do A/B testing, and increase conversions.. when the hard part of getting prospects is done.

Not quite. A Growth Hacker can get 100K users/customers once a startup is past Product-Market Fit.

And we were just bemoaning the dilution-to-meaninglessness of the word "hacker" in that thread from 2 days ago. I guess we should start using the titles "Chief Executive Hacker", "Chief Operating Hacker", and (my favourite) "Chief Technology Hacker".

What the fuck did I just read? Growth hacker? Give me a break, it's called Viagra. "Mommy, he stole my dolly."


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