Minor aside, but why is every site into the delayed loading of items while scrolling. I glance down and see a two item feature list and then plenty of white space, scroll down a tiny bit and suddenly the feature list grows. Just show the list on load so I can see there's more to the list at the end of the page. Seriously, what benefit does this provide?
I just got in to OpenFOAM and ParaView last week. Guess I have another deep dive to do to determine which is more appropriate depending on the scenario.
Goods question. I've been thinking about implementing this[1] method for real-time sound propagation as a hobby project, which relies on this[2] paper. Here's an excerpt from the second one:
In this work, we present a technique which relies on an adaptive rectangular decomposition of a 3D scene to enable efficient and accurate simulation of sound propagation in complex virtual environments. It exploits the known analytical solution of the Wave Equation in rectangular domains and is thus able to achieve at least an order of magnitude performance gain compared to a standard Finite Difference implementation, while also being memory-efficient. Consequently, we are able to perform accurate numerical acoustic simulation on large, complex scenes in the kilohertz range which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been previously done on a desktop computer.
Note on the performance claims, it's about a decade old.
Anyway, was looking for a reference implementation so also curious if OpenCFS could be it.