This kind of holier than thou prig behavior has mostly run its course in tech. I don't think most people find these arguments very compelling anymore. I, for one, am glad. I look forward to being able to work with people with differing opinions without having to be bludgeoned by them again.
I do! I also look forward to working with your trans friends if they're capable and can get along with people who have different opinions than they do. That's what adults do.
I'm genuinely curious. You would be ok working with actual racists who would be happy to see you dead as long as they are capable? Because its just their opinion? I'm guessing you draw the line somewhere.
Yeah, absolutely. In fact, I've worked with a few people with animosity toward my race. I don't prefer it, obviously, but so long as they're not taking action based on it, sure, why not? Part of living in the world is dealing with people.
If they make threats or disrupt the work, sure, that's over the line. That's true regardless of their motivation though.
So I think people just have different lines. In your case a threat is over the line even though no action has happened yet. I've worked with managers who made very racist jokes towards me all the time. It was bearable in the beginning but it just made work horrible over time.
We are all human beings not robots. We have emotions. You can understand why a colleague wishing you didn't exist as a person is a net negative to the company right? Even outside work people move away from abusive relationships. Not tolerate it saying that's part of living in the world.