I'm not going to link the tool so I don't give them publicity. But it astounds me that this is something you can do in the open and that you can fund.
I know a lot of you guys think it's no big deal because you can detect any cheater, but I think you're only catching the ones that are bad at cheating. A quick 5 second glance at something that gives you the big picture idea makes almost any LeetCode style question trivial if you're already a decent coder. Not to mention literally just telling you the answer for more conceptual based questions or sysdesign questions.
I know a lot of us in the past couple years, and especially right now, have been grappling with the decay of American morality, but this breaks the camel's back for me. No matter how dubious your venture and morals, you will be conferred legitimacy and standing if you make enough money (for the right people).