> There are better books I would probably recommend
I'm curious what you'd recommend.
For what it's worth my goal was to compile to machine code. Anything less would have seemed insufficient. Later I got Appel's "Modern Compiler Implementation in Java" and Allen and Kennedy "Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures".
Cooper and Torczon "Engineering a Compiler" was recommended here recently. I haven't seen it.
I don't think that the ghuloum 2006 paper was the initial basis for nanopass,
at least the paper A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education∗ seems to predate it in 2004
I got started from the books that were available here in the early 2000s. The one I like the most is "Programming Language Pragmatics" by Michael Scott, mainly for its simplicity. Then there is "Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation" by Steven Muchnick. I have Allen-Kennedy's book too, but I think it went over my head when I went through it. So I kept it aside.
"Engineering a Compiler" is quite approachable.
But, once you know the basics, you get the best bang-for-the-buck by looking at source code of various compilers and virtual machines.
I'm curious what you'd recommend.
For what it's worth my goal was to compile to machine code. Anything less would have seemed insufficient. Later I got Appel's "Modern Compiler Implementation in Java" and Allen and Kennedy "Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures".
Cooper and Torczon "Engineering a Compiler" was recommended here recently. I haven't seen it.