My point was more that its doesn't take a large chunk of a population to mistreat others to make mistreatment almost inescapable.
For child sexual abuse, which is studied more than "anti-nerd bullying" offenders are just a few percent of the population, if that (I can't actually find good sources for population incidence of being an abuser) but the offended against are 1/6 to 1/3 of the population.
Another interesting point is that some nerdy folks might not even notice the bullying that much - I once had a friend from high school say that they always felt bad for how much bullying I experienced, and I said "what? what do you mean?" I felt that many of the folks in high school were terribly evil people, but I didn't get that upset by the bullying itself. Just determined to move as soon as I could. Not like as a strategy to over come the bullying, just to get among people I can respect.
But 90% is just too much to be feasible.