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And people says they want good for us. :( LSD is best gift from god I've ever got.

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, there are important and underestimated negatives for recreational doses as well, see http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/health/hppd/hppd_faq.sht... or http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6980680.

I'd love to see more research occur, though.

HPPD is not so bad. I had one and know people have one and nothing happens. It's rather not harmful. For me, even flashbacks are not something worth to be afraid of. Anyway there's much more to gain than to lose. Not for everybody, needs much responsibility, but definetely worth to take advantage from.

PS donate to erowid. It is a fantastic resource providing some of the most factual and unfiltered information of this kind.

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