I had a thought today: I can just send anything to an FTP client. It just assumes that the FTP server will tell it what files are on the server and handle the exchange of data. What if I just lie to it?
I was going to make a blog that could only be read by FTP, my other thought was a sort of "gate" system that would turn on a website but to access the website first you had to submit a file (maybe signed GPG message) to the FTP server and on a connection it would fire up port 80 or allow your IP address on port 80.
However, I've been playing with Masscan and wanting to learn more about that side of the Internet so the tool I built is Lovegood FTP - "Maybe a honeypot?". You could use it to log ip addresses that try to access your FTP. I love the idea of using it to prank your friends. Set it to display a bunch of pirated movies and then have a message for them.
Anyway, if you would like to see for yourself what it does you can connect to FTP at lovecraft-ftp.travis.plus on port 21 with any username/password.
:) If you think this is funny / good / stupid I would love a star. I'm job hunting and apparently they can help and I'll take all the help I can get.