When Valve came out with their VR headset that had base stations, everybody thought that’d be the holy grail, that you can never achieve better localization and tracking without base stations, and a base station free method can never be better than that.
Well, Meta poured a shit ton of money into making Quest base station free and they got there. We use to use valve setup for our robotics applications but we swapped it out with Quest cause honestly Quest was as good but much more easy to setup and operate.
The bitter lesson is that don’t bet against data or compute. Also, I don’t think you’d have to train a AI model for each location at every time in the future. Things get more efficient, etc.
Well, Meta poured a shit ton of money into making Quest base station free and they got there. We use to use valve setup for our robotics applications but we swapped it out with Quest cause honestly Quest was as good but much more easy to setup and operate.
The bitter lesson is that don’t bet against data or compute. Also, I don’t think you’d have to train a AI model for each location at every time in the future. Things get more efficient, etc.